"Art can permeate the very deepest parts of us, where no words exist." - Eileen Miller

Art therapy is an opportunity to express your feelings and form a bridge to your unconscious through creative work. Because we do not focus singularly on your ability to verbalize, it can be very useful for people who have difficulty putting their emotions and feelings into words. No previous artistic experience or skill is required for art therapy to be deeply beneficial, and I work with people from all walks of life. Engaging in art making is a powerful way to communicate from a deep place within, gain reflective insight, and develop transformative perspective.

Encountering oneself through a creative process allows for safely exploring feelings, reconciling emotional conflicts, fostering self-awareness, managing behavior and addictions, developing social skills, improving reality orientation, reducing anxiety, and increasing self-esteem. Art therapy can be particularly effective for those who find it difficult to access, remember, engage with, or process unresolved or painful experiences.



"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." -Plato

In this current age and time that rushes toward the future or is preoccupied with rigid stories of the past, the simplicity and depth of Sandplay Therapy provides a space for contact with the inner, symbolic world. A basic premise of working in sandtray is that psyche possesses a natural tendency to heal itself, given the proper conditions. Similar to our physical wounds that heal under beneficial conditions, the psyche has an instinctual wisdom that emerges when able to operate naturally.

Sandplay is “hands on” psychological work, and is an adjunct to talk therapy. It is a powerful therapeutic method that facilitates the psyche’s natural capacity for healing.

In a “free and protected” space, the client creates a concrete manifestation from his or her imagination using sand and miniature objects. In this way Sandtray helps honor and illuminate the client’s internal symbolic world, providing a place for its expression within a safe container. With sufficient time and understanding, a sandtray experience can lead the client into layers of experience that are pre-verbal and long forgotten to the conscious mind. Through the tangible emergence of personal and archetypal symbols in the tray in a safe environment, the client moves toward a sense of balance and wholeness.




Hypnosis is a state of intense focused concentration, where peripheral distractions are minimized or excluded. It can be used as a clinical technique to facilitate deep relaxation and peacefulness while promoting mental alertness and full sensory perception. You are always in control. Hypnosis is a powerful and effective way to actualize your goals and is useful for:

  • decreasing anxiety

  • greater impulse control

  • exercise and self-care motivation

  • resolving fears/phobias

  • improved sleep

  • strengthening self-confidence

  • overcoming challenges and obstacles

  • deeper relaxation and presence

  • increased focus, perspective and self-awareness

  • expanded peacefulness


Through hypnosis, you can access suppressed or forgotten memories from childhood, in utero, and previous lives in a way that is completely safe and fosters understanding & transforms perspective. You can even encounter possible future lives, gaining tremendous insight into your direction and journey which helps to inform your present-day choices, behaviors, and outlook. 

Accessing past and possible future lives through hypnosis is a compelling technique for healing and resolving inner discord, inter-personal conflict, and dysfunctional patterns of relationships. It is useful for transforming problems of anxiety, fear, feeling blocked, lost, unfulfilled, or otherwise restricted from the full expression of yourself, and other problems or impairments. The process of past life regression & future progression and subsequent integration of felt-sense experience and deep insight may help you gain perspective on yourself, your task in life, and your experience in relationships, allowing you to clear unconscious entanglements & reenactments and more fully inhabit and express yourself. 

Hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy are available independently or may be incorporated into ongoing psychotherapy as is beneficial and in alignment with your goals. Together, we form your treatment plan to best meet your needs. In your first session, we will identify your problem and goals, coordinate your treatment plan together, and assess suggestibility, giving you a chance to experience what hypnosis feels like before we dive in.



Ecotherapy practices will be offered beginning Spring 2024.

Please reach out for more information!